Embossed Panda | 3D Eye Cat TPU (Soft) Phone Case - iPhone 15 Pro
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₹110 will be charged for Cash on Delivery Order
✔ The case is made of TPU (Soft) ultra-thin material, provides elegant look to your phone without losing its originality.
✔ The cat shockproof cover provides elegant look to your phone which protect your phone from scratches where as the raised sides protect it from falls.
✔ TPU Material which provide it sleek look and provide it superior protection.
✔ Mobile cover provide precise cut-outs and holes for easy access of buttons and other ports.
✔ The Case provide best in class protection to your expensive phone with raised sides that protects it from falls.
✔ TPU sides which protects it from scratches and damages
Note : Actual Product Color May Vary and Sold-out colors are deleted from website

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