Skin Touch Ultra Thin Slim PC (Hard) Transclucent Phone Case - iPhone 16 Plus
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✔ The case is made from a durable yet lightweight PC (Hard) and TPU (Soft) material that adds minimal weight to your phone.
✔ Featuring a scratch-resistant surface the case helps preserve the appearance of your phone by preventing unsightly scratches and scuff marks from daily use or accidental drops.
✔ The case is designed with an ergonomic structure that provides an enhanced anti-slip grip. It allows you to hold your phone securely preventing it from slipping out of your hand during use.
✔ Precision cutouts ensure full access to your phone's camera charging port volume buttons and power button without having to remove the case. This allows you to use all the features of your phone easily.
✔ Drop Resistance, Imp Process, Harder Backplate, Anti-scratches, Power Magnetic Grip .
Note : Actual Product Color May Vary and Sold-out colors are deleted from website

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