Textured Design Metal Camera Protection PC (Hard) Phone Case - iPhone 16
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✔ Made of high quality PC (hard) mterial with full protection of phone and camera.
✔ The case is designed to provide quick and convenient access to all buttons and speaker cut-outs.
✔ You won't have to remove the case to use any of the essential features of your smartphone.
✔ The case is slim and sleek, adding fashionable protection to your device without adding any bulk.
✔ It's designed to fit your smartphone like a glove, giving it a stylish look.
✔ 1MM raised edges around camera, protect the camera and screen from being scratched.
✔ Camera Ring border keep the mobile uplifted from the surface. Easy to install and remove, does not damage the device.
✔ The soft button design will not damage the phone.
Note : Actual Product Color May Vary and Sold-out colors are deleted from website

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